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Marine Solutions

Solutions for Marine operations. Navigation and mapping for vessels and boats. Dredging solutions for different types of dredges.

STONEX offers flexible, high-performance positioning systems to meet the unique needs of marine construction on both simple and complex projects. 

Our solutions include both hardware and software, and can be easily integrated into third-party systems. Improve productivity and efficiency in underwater marine construction applications including dredging operations, crane operations, piling and hydrographic survey, canal/port development, reclamation, breakwaters and navigation systems.

User friendly interface

High accuracy system

Easy to install


Settore marino: Soluzioni adattabili ad ogni draga

Solutions adaptable to any type of dredge


Settore marino: Mappatura del fondo marino

Seafloor mapping


Movimento terra e edilizia: Soluzioni personalizzata

Do you need a Custom Solution? We can help you!

Stonex high precision GPS solution

for the entry maneuver of the aircraft carrier “Cavour” inside the Ferrati Basin of Taranto

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